Tell Me a Secret: Do SOMETHING for Ghazza

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Do SOMETHING for Ghazza

What can we do for Gaza, you ask. The answer is: work on stopping the Israeli aggression on civilians, call for Israel to respect human rights laws, demonstrate, send emails, today, the UN security council failed to pass a resolution, submitted by Libya the only Arab country in the council now, to ask for immediate halt of the Israeli military operation in Gaza. The project of the low was rejected because the US refused it, send email, demonstrate.

UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the big fancy name means basically that it is a UN department specialized in helping Palestinian refugees (and IDPs).

UNRWA is a reliable and LEGAL way for you to donate to help people in Gaza. Gaza has been under siege for a long time now, that they ran out of fuel, so transportation is very difficult, and now electricity stopped completely too, electricity stations ran out of fuel to run them, meaning that now people are living with no electricity AND not water, water pumping stations need electricity to work, you know.

Also, hospitals ran out of medical supplies because of the siege and because of the enormous amount of wounded people that are coming in, i lost count, last time i checked it was 470 people killed, and 2400 injured. That is enormous pressure on the hospitals, specially that now they have to do with no electricity too, who knows how much the little fuel they have left, if any, can run the hospitals' generators. News reports talk about 30% of all casualties being women and children.

So, I ask you to visit the website of the UNRWA, where you will find this message at once:

Stop the Killing in Gaza

The Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Karen AbuZayd, expressed her horror to the extensive destruction visited upon Gaza Strip today and her deep sadness to the terrible loss in human life. UNRWA, the United Nation’s Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, strongly urges the Israeli Government to heed calls for ceasing its bombardment on Gaza. Israel is a signatory to international conventions that protect non-combatants in times of conflict. These conventions are worthless if they are not upheld. ...more

Donate to UNRWA Special Gaza Appeal تبرعوا لنداء الاستغاثة الخاص بغزة

1. Arab Bank PLC
UNRWA USD Current account100191-4-510
El-Rimal Branch Omar El-Mukhtar St, Gaza

2. HSBC Bank
UNRWA USD Current account 002/057511-185
Swift Code: BBMEJOAX
Amman, Jordan


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Do you REALLY want to help the people of Gaza? Support a quick and COMPLETE IDF operation to rid Gaza of weapons and hostiles intent on provoking war. Until Gaza residents come to terms with a continuing nation of Israel and forgo its pledge for destruction, they will know nothing but war and such condescending well meaning 'moral' support only urges them to continue along a path to their own destruction.

1/06/2009 09:15:00 PM  

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