HA! Breaking Stereotypes :D
Majid my brother and his Canadian Fiance went to Petra in the south of Jordan, which is now one of the seven wonders of the world, and there they decided to ride a camel as that service is availabel to the visitors of Petra, embarresengly enough it was his first time to ride a camel, and her third, haaaaaahhhahahahaha, knowing that she had her two first camel rides in Canada, heheheehehei can't stop laughing at this :D
It does beg the question as to who and when Khalid the engineer will marry now that he's finished his degree:D
Is Majid finished with his undergraduate degree? You know how Julia feels about people marrying before finishing that first degree:P
Wishing you and your family all the best with your spouses and future children. The world is enriched by their presence.
mabrook on majid's engagement. how come u didn't tell me? yes dear khalid-when and who r u going to marry? :-)
i sat on a camel in sinai. i told the guy not to let it stand. he told it to stand. i got a fright & screamed. never again. my sisters rode camels at the pyramids.
& how about u? how graceful r u on a camel? :-p
I hab a bream...
I just woke up from a beautiful bream:
There was this sea of very-very-wet camel bung. In the mibble of which Boffrey was having his fart. Or his beath perhaps :-) Among a lot of chickenhawks pekking each other to beath.
Once in a while you wish your breams come true.
Sorry for my befect keyboarb!
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