Tell Me a Secret

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Hi :))
there is onething i have in common with French people, its that Americans ask us all the time: do Do you hate us?!
well, i don't know about the French, but i know about myself, that's what i intend to talk about, if you have time.
Do you want the short answer or the long answer?
ok, lets start with the short and move to the full version after.
The short answer is: i hate Americans? That is so not true!
The long answer is : i hate Americans? Believe me that is so not true!
oh not long enough?:) ok, i will give it another shoot:

Its very important to me, that you know that i respect American people, if i want to write a list of 50 close friends, at least five of them would be American, and i have so much American friends outside the "close friends" list too, my experience with American people is very good, i find them simple, sincere and caring people, hardworking i may add too.that applies too on most, if not all of the other nationalities, there always exceptions, but i am talking generally, as i was meant to "be" in this time and place, war time, in Iraq, i had the chance to meet so many foreigners, probably any person who lives a normal life in a normal country, wont meet half the number of foreigners i met unless he works in a border center:) anyway, after this experience with all these people, and the online-people who i know too, i cant say anything like: "all people are nice, except those from X country", that just cant happen, because every country in the world have the good and the bad, mixed together, that is life.
but as i am accused of hating Americans particularly, i will talk about them particularly:
i know a very nice, very active politician American woman, who i consider my virtual auntie, i have a very lovely old lady who i consider my virtual grandma, i have a very wonderful friend who i consider my virtual brother, all of them are Americans, and i have a list of other people who i open my computer and check my mail hoping to find something form them, all of those are American people, who i love and respect, you check my mail and you would find Akkadia, Connie, Lena, Mary, Julie so many others, all American, all dear and precious to me. Its the Admenstraion that i a stand against, and that comes from the policy they chose to have towards us, and that "us" seen to include many people: Muslims, Arabs, Iraqis and even Americans, and you all are seeing what kind of policy it is, and you all are seeing its results.


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